YAESU FT 891 Review Solid

After using this radio more, I am updating my review. Yes, a solid little radio and I have experienced no problems--excellent audio reports using my Heil mic, no problems operating, and has the features I expect from a field radio. I have it side-by-side with my Elecraft K3 and enjoy using it.

The menu system is easy, once you see how it works. This radio has few buttons (uses its menu system instead), but that makes it a simple and great field radio to me... I am use to the "many button settings" on my Elecraft, but generally only use them under certain conditions; so the 891 posed no problems--just takes a few seconds more to set. Of course, if you cannot figure out menu systems or don't want to learn something new--then it may be better to select a radio that has no learning curve.

Would I buy it again--yes. Would I recommend it--yes. It has been a fun radio and enjoyable to use.

1 comment:

  1. If the menu is giving you fits, you can always look at you tube videos that show how the functions work.


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